So why does this course have a blog? Well, why is anything anything?
A blog (short for “web log”) is a website that works like a journal – users write posts that are sorted by date based on when they were written. You can find important course information (like assignments, due dates, reading schedules, etc.) on the blog. I’ll also be updating the blog throughout the semester, posting interesting items related to the stuff we’re currently discussing in class. You don't have to visit the blog if you don't want to. It's just a helpful resource. I've used a blog for this course a lot, and it's seemed helpful. Hopefully it can benefit our course, too.
Since I’ll be updating the blog a lot throughout the semester, you should check it frequently. There are, however, some convenient ways to do this without simply going to the blog each day. The best way to do this is by getting an email subscription, so any new blog post I write automatically gets emailed to you. (You can also subscribe to the rss feed, if you know what that means.) To get an email subscription:
1. Go to
2. At the main page, enter your email address at the top of the right column (under “EMAIL SUBSCRIPTION: Enter your Email”) and click the "Subscribe me!" button.
3. This will take you to a new page. Follow the directions under #2, where it says “To help stop spam, please type the text here that you see in the image below. Visually impaired or blind users should contact support by email.” Once you type the text, click the "Subscribe me!" button again.
4. You'll then get an email regarding the blog subscription. (Check your spam folder if you haven’t received an email after a day.) You have to confirm your registration. Do so by clicking on the "Click here to activate your account" link in the email you receive.
5. This will bring you to a page that says "Your subscription is confirmed!" Now you're subscribed.
If you are unsure whether you've subscribed, ask me(609-980-8367; I can check who's subscribed and who hasn't.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Buying the Textbook
- Buy the 3rd edition used from Amazon. (It's the same book, with just a few different page numbers I can tell you about.)
- Buy the 4th edition used from Amazon.
- Buy the 4th edition new or used from
- Buy the 4th edition new from Amazon.
- Buy the 4th edition used or new from GCC's bookstore.
Course Details
Introduction to Philosophy
Gloucester County College
Philosophy 101-E1, Fall 2009
Thursdays, 6:00–8:30 p.m. in Instructional Center, Room446
Gloucester County College
Philosophy 101-E1, Fall 2009
Thursdays, 6:00–8:30 p.m. in Instructional Center, Room446
Instructor: Sean Landis
Phone: 609-980-8367
Required Texts
The Philosophical Journey: An Interactive Approach, 4th Edition, William F. Lawhead
(buy used from Amazon or; or buy the 3rd edition)
About the Course
This course is designed to introduce students to philosophy. Throughout the semester, we are going to explore a handful of classic philosophical questions: What is knowledge? Does God exist? What is the nature of good and evil?
In examining these issues, it is my hope that we can also develop the skills of doing philosophy—understanding philosophical arguments, evaluating the quality of such arguments, and developing good arguments of our own on philosophical topics. Our main goal is for each of us to come to appreciate the value of sitting and thinking. Long, careful, systematic, detailed thought is a great tool for increasing understanding on complex topics.
A = 930-1000 total points
A- = 900-929 total points
B+ = 867-899 total points
B = 834-866 total points
B- = 800-833 total points
C+ = 767-799 total points
C = 734-766 total points
C- = 700-733 total points
D+ = 667-699 total points
D = 634-666 total points
D- = 600-633 total points
F = below 600 total points
Midterm: 250 points
Final : 350 points
Quiz : 150 points
4 Reading Responses : 50 points each (200 points total)
Attendance/Participation: 50 points
Quiz: There will be a 25-minute quiz at the end of the first sections on arguments and knowledge.
Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam. The midterm tests everything covered during the first half of the course, and will last about 80 minutes on the scheduled day. The final exam is cumulative—it tests everything covered throughout the whole course, not just the second half. The final will also last 80 minutes, and take place on the last day of class.
Reading Responses: There will be four reading responses, which are to be handed in at the beginning of class the day they are due. Each assignment is an approximately one- to two-paged (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, normal margins) response to a specific question about one or more of the week’s readings. The responses are a chance to do philosophy. To this effect, the focus of the responses will be on paraphrasing (demonstrating that you understand the argument by putting it in your own words) and critically evaluating (presenting objections to the argument or responding to such objections) the philosophical arguments being presented in the readings.
Extra Credit: I like giving extra credit! I’ll be giving some official extra credit assignments throughout the semester. I’ll also be offering some extra credit points more informally during class time. Remind me about this if I slack off on dishing out extra credit points.
Classroom Policies
ACADEMIC HONESTY STATEMENT: Gloucester County College is committed to a learning environment that embraces the principles of honesty. Faculty, students, and administrators share responsibility for maintaining this environment of academic honesty and integrity, accepting responsibility for all actions, personal and academic. Each member of our community is expected to read and understand our Academic Integrity Policy. This policy can be found on the GCC Web site here. The policy gives faculty authority to impose an academic sanction which is reasonable and commensurate with the violation.
PLAGIARISM: GCC's Academic Integrity Policy defines plagiarism as "the unacknowledged use of another's means of expression and/or work product, whether published or unpublished, without proper credit through the use of quotation marks, citations and other customary means of identifying sources." Essentially, this means copying the words or ideas of another without the proper form of academic documentation.
There are two basic kinds of plagiarism: deliberate plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. One may sound more acceptable than the other, but they are equally serious academic offenses. The most common act of deliberate plagiarism involves copying another person's work and passing it off as your own. The most common act of accidental plagiarism involves failing to provide the proper internal documentation for quoted, summarized and paraphrased ideas from another person, even if you list the source in your Works Cited.
In this class, deliberate and accidental plagiarism will be treated the same. The first instance of plagiarism will at least result in a zero (0) for that assignment and require a student professor conference. A second offense will result in an F for the course. In addition, a second offense will be reported to the Dean of Arts and Sciences and the Dean of Students.
ELECTRONICS: Use of cell phones, MP3 players, pagers, and similar electronic devices is not permitted during class time. Approval must be gained from the instructor prior to student use of audio or video recording devices in class.
GCC ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students attain maximum academic benefit through regular class attendance. Nothing else has yet been discovered to replace in value the daily, cumulative, educational growth that results from regular participation in class. This is especially true where ideas, concepts, points of view, social developments, poise, confidence, knowledge and success derive from the interaction of students and faculty.
Therefore, students are expected to attend all class sessions for which they are scheduled. The effect of absences on student grades will be determined by each instructor, consistent with his or her stated policy provided in course outlines.
PHI101 ATTENDANCE POLICY: A key to taking any college course is time management. Therefore, each student is expected to attend every class. Significant emphasis will be given to unexcused absences at the time of the final grade. An unexcused absence from class is not an excuse for not taking an assigned quiz or assignment. Each student is responsible for all class work and assignments when absent from class. Quizzes and other in-class assignments may not be made up unless approved by your instructor.
Exceptions are rare and will be given only when the instructor is informed in advance. Do not wait until an assignment is late to inform the instructor of the reasons why it is late. Extensions – usually only a day or two – will be granted when the student has established a track record of attendance and meeting deadlines in the course.
Permission to arrive late or leave early must be obtained from the instructor as class attendance means being present for the entire class period. Consistent lateness will impact your final grade.
The Help Desk provides assistance with network and portal log-in along with campus computer hardware and software use. The Help Desk office is located on the first floor of the College Center; the phone number is 415-2298.
WebCT assistance is provided in-person in IC435, by phone at 415-2241, and online here. Before entering your username and password to access WebCT from your home computer, review the Browser Check, Pop-up Blockers, and Java Security Certificate information at the right of the page. Having these technical aspects set up correctly at the beginning of the semester on your home computer will save you frustration and aggravation.
Library: The GCC Library provides a wide range of materials and services to promote student learning and faculty instruction in a friendly and supportive atmosphere. Over 30 computers are available for students to use for research purposes. Your GCC library card also serves as your student ID.
Computer Lab: The Open Lab in IC438 provides over 25 computers for student use. Students must show their GCC student ID to access these computers.
Student Success Center:
Make-up testing, distance learning and telecourse testing: located in LRC608. Their phone number is 856-415-2238.
Tutoring: located in LRC601 and LRC602. That phone number is 856-415-2248. Access these two areas via LRC603.
Testing and Open Lab: Testing is in LRC603, LRC604 and LRC605.
The official College closure notification is: 814 – KYW 1060AM school closing number for day classes; 2814 – KYW 1060AM evening school closing number; GCC website; or call 468-5000 for a recorded message of school closure notification.
Course Schedule
September 3
-Check. Check One. Sibilance (intro to class; no reading)
-Doing Philosophy (no reading)
September 10
-Some Logic | Deductive Arguments (pages 37—45)
-Some Logic | Inductive & Abductive Arguments (pages 4—11)
September 17
-Knowledge | Descartes vs. Skepticism (pages 50-53; 58-71)
-Knowledge | Descartes vs. Skepticism (pages 50-53; 58-71)
September 24
-Knowledge | Rationalism: Plato (pages 71—82)
-Knowledge | Empiricism: Locke (pages 88—96)
(Reading Response #1 due)
October 1
-Knowledge | Empiricism: Hume (pages 104—113)
-QUIZ; Knowledge | Hume Wrap-up
October 8
-Does God Exist? | Aquinas & The Cosmological Arg (pages 321—332)
-Does God Exist? | Taylor & The Cosmological Argument (pages 333—338)
October 15
-Does God Exist? | Ontological Argument (pages 347—352)
-Does God Exist? | Paley & The Design Argument (pages 338—341)
(Reading Response #2 due)
October 22
-Does God Exist? | Hume & The Design Argument (pages 342—347, 382—388)
-Does God Exist? | Problem of Evil Intro & Review for Midterm (pages 366—370)
October 29
-Does God Exist? | Hick & The Problem of Evil (pages 370—382)
November 5
-Faith & Reason | Pascal (pages 352—357)
-Intro to Ethics | Plato (pages 396—409)
(Reading Response #3 due)
November 12
-Ethical Relativism | Herodotus & Benedict (pages 411—423)
-Utilitarianism | Intro (pages 450—454) & Mill (pages 457—462)
November 19
-Utilitarianism | Norcross (pages 462—468)
-Deontological Ethics | Kant (pages 468—482)
(Reading Response #4 due)
November 26 – Happy Thanksgiving

December 3
-Virtue Ethics | Intro (pages 486—494) & Aristotle (pages 495—500)
-Virtue Ethics Wrap-up
December 10
-Catch-up (no new reading)
-Final Exam Review
December 17
(This schedule is tentative and may be changed at the discretion of the instructor.)
-Check. Check One. Sibilance (intro to class; no reading)
-Doing Philosophy (no reading)
September 10
-Some Logic | Deductive Arguments (pages 37—45)
-Some Logic | Inductive & Abductive Arguments (pages 4—11)
September 17
-Knowledge | Descartes vs. Skepticism (pages 50-53; 58-71)
-Knowledge | Descartes vs. Skepticism (pages 50-53; 58-71)
September 24
-Knowledge | Rationalism: Plato (pages 71—82)
-Knowledge | Empiricism: Locke (pages 88—96)
(Reading Response #1 due)
October 1
-Knowledge | Empiricism: Hume (pages 104—113)
-QUIZ; Knowledge | Hume Wrap-up
October 8
-Does God Exist? | Aquinas & The Cosmological Arg (pages 321—332)
-Does God Exist? | Taylor & The Cosmological Argument (pages 333—338)
October 15
-Does God Exist? | Ontological Argument (pages 347—352)
-Does God Exist? | Paley & The Design Argument (pages 338—341)
(Reading Response #2 due)
October 22
-Does God Exist? | Hume & The Design Argument (pages 342—347, 382—388)
-Does God Exist? | Problem of Evil Intro & Review for Midterm (pages 366—370)
October 29
-Does God Exist? | Hick & The Problem of Evil (pages 370—382)
November 5
-Faith & Reason | Pascal (pages 352—357)
-Intro to Ethics | Plato (pages 396—409)
(Reading Response #3 due)
November 12
-Ethical Relativism | Herodotus & Benedict (pages 411—423)
-Utilitarianism | Intro (pages 450—454) & Mill (pages 457—462)
November 19
-Utilitarianism | Norcross (pages 462—468)
-Deontological Ethics | Kant (pages 468—482)
(Reading Response #4 due)
November 26 – Happy Thanksgiving
December 3
-Virtue Ethics | Intro (pages 486—494) & Aristotle (pages 495—500)
-Virtue Ethics Wrap-up
December 10
-Catch-up (no new reading)
-Final Exam Review
December 17
(This schedule is tentative and may be changed at the discretion of the instructor.)
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